A senior Delhi police official, Rajan Bhagat, says two suspected militants were killed after an exchange of gunfire lasting nearly an hour. 新德里高级警官巴加特说,两名激进分子嫌疑人在长达1个小时的交火中被击毙。
Assuming a20 hour per day processing window, this gives an archiving volume of up to240,000 mails per day per Exchange server. 假设每天开一个20小时的处理窗口,那么每个Exchange服务器每天可归档多达240000封邮件。
More than a hundred reporters from around the world thronged and bustled in the Stock Exchange Building in Stockholm's Old Town for about an hour before the doors to the Swedish Academy swung open. 在通往瑞典文学院(SwedishAcademy)的大门开启前大约一个小时左右,斯德哥尔摩老城的证券交易所大楼(StockExchangeBuilding)里就聚集了数百名来自世界各地的记者。
The exchange was forced to halt trading for a hour in the afternoon to prevent panic selling. 马来西亚证交所被迫在后市暂停交易1小时,以避免恐慌性抛售。
Results Indoor air temperature and relative humidity accorded with second class standard of 《 Threshold limit values for space and environment of camping movable shelter system 》 in winter, indoor air exchange attained 1 time per hour, which also reached request of the usage. 结果室内热环境参数温度和湿度指标冬季可以达到《野营住房空间与环境限值标准》中的二级标准,冬季室内的换气次数可以达到1次/h,也达到了使用的要求。
Salt was removed by ion exchange resin at a flow rate of 10 column volume/ hour with desalinization rate of approximate 80% and nitrogen recovery rate of 83%. NO differences was observed on the ACE inhibitory activities of samples. 采用离子交换树脂对水解样品进行脱盐研究,结果表明以10倍柱体积/小时流速,经阴阳离子交换树脂后脱盐率达80%左右,氮回收率为83%,脱盐处理前后样品的抑制活性基本不变。